Chris' Compound in Brooksville - Party and Campout - Please RSVP
2013 Meteor Showers and Viewing Tips
**Open for camping and overnight party
At its best, under dark skies, you might see a score or so “shooting stars” per hour. The Moon sets by late evening. Name Date of Peak Moon Quadrantids Night of January 2 Sets shortly before dawn Lyrids Night of April 21 In view most of the night Eta Aquarids Nights of May 4/5 Early morning crescent **Perseids Nights of August 11/12 Sets after midnight Orionids Night of October 21 In view most of the night **Leonids Night of November 16 Full Geminids Nights of Dec 12/13 In view most of the nightNOTES These are approximate times for the Lower 48 states; actual shower times can vary. Bright moonlight makes it difficult to see all but the brightest meteors.
** I will have food and drynk of the kind I would ordinarily consume. Bring what you want or nothing at all.
In addition to the usual weird science stuff, remind me to do the hydrogen fuel cell demo!
Mid November is best to view Leonid meteor shower. August is best for Perseids. Eight miles west is Chasshowitzka that has canoe rentals and a karaoke bar if things are too quiet in camp. My students are welcome. Kids and pets are welcome.
There is room in several unheated trailers for anyone wishing to spend
the night but not wanting to rough it in a tent or car. Get a heating pad at a
drugstore for about $20 and plug it into the nearest outlet. It will keep
you quite warm with its 30 watts against your body. Also, we always have a good hot fire going.
Coming from US19 or Suncoast Parkway Exit 55 - US98 southbound is a divided highway and you are headed towards Brooksville going southeast. About a mile (1.6 km) past the Suncoast Parkway Exit 55, US 98 narrows to a 2-lane highway. This is where you turn right on to Landville Road.
Coming from Brooksville, US 41, US 50 - US98 northbound is a 2-lane highway with business and bypass routing through Brooksville. You are headed towards Chassahowitzka or Homosassa or the Suncoast Parkway going northwest. About a mile (1.6 km) before the Suncoast Parkway Exit 55, US 98 widens to a divided highway. This is where you turn left on to Landville Road.
From Landville Road:- This road leads to the Northwest Hernando Facility. Look to the left and see my property with the 3 crosses and some crazy neon lights (if it's dark). You will need to make two left turns. About 300 meters ahead you turn left at the main gate. Go to mailboxes and turn left again and go about 300 meters back towards the woods. Turn in at the big black satellite dish.
Pictures of the property
Chris' Compound
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Nov 9-10 2002
Nov 28-30 2003
Nov 19-21 2004
Nov 18-20 2005
Nov 18-19 2006
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